Workshop VGI (IGN, 28/03/2014)

Volunteered Geographic Information – A Survey of National and Regional Mapping Agencies

The workshop is organised on behalf of the COST Action TD1202 (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, Action TD1202 Mapping and the Citizen Sensor).   This is an EU funded project that is investigating how the use of Crowd Sourcing (Volunteered Geographic Information, VGI) can aid the production of mapping within the European Union.  More information about this action can be found here:

The action has a number of objectives, one of which is to access the potential for exploiting VGI by Mapping Agencies.

Date: 28 of March, 2014

Place:  IGN France (French Mapping Agency)-Paris

73 Avenue de Paris, 94160 Saint-Mandé, France

Metro Ligne 1, Station: Saint-Mandé


The goals of the workshop are to share information between National Mapping Agencies on existing survey specifications; to understand whether any VGI activity is already organised by the agencies; to determine what are considered to be the challenges to the use of VGI and how they may be overcome.  As part of the Action, we have already proposed an online survey to the NMAs on this topic. Thus, the aim of this workshop is to share with you the results of the survey and to move forward on the review.

Thus, the preliminary program is:

  • 9:15 Welcome to participants
  • 9:30 Presentation of the survey results and discussions: Glen Hart (OS)
  • 10:30 Coffee break
  • 10:45 Short presentations of each NMA participant (~10 min) on map production/update processes and VGI. The topics which we are interested to be presented will be send to participants.
  • 12:30 Lunch (at IGN)
  • 13:45 Open discussion
  • 16:00 Coffee break
  • 16:15 Conclusion, future activities
  • 17:00 Closing

Registration fee

Participation to the workshop is free of charge. However, advance registration will be strictly required. Registration will be opened till 15 of March.

To registration please send a e-mail to: Ana-Maria Olteanu Raimond (

Organizing Committee

  • Ana-Maria Olteanu Raimond (IGN-France)
  • Guillaume Touya (IGN-France)
  • Glen Hart (Ordnance Survey of Great Britain)
  • Tobias Kennenberger (Swiss Topo)